Hello to all my crafty friends,
I am here today to share some news.
After the last year, obviously the events of the world, how it played out in my own life and just my own growth and change over the last few years, I have made the choice to discontinue producing new products under the Neat and Tangled brand. If there is one thing I know to be true, it’s that I am always learning and growing. And I know when it’s time to make a change. I love being creative, but my own crafty interests have shifted. I still love creating but now more in the form of painting. I still love lettering, but in different ways with a new purpose.
If you’ve been following along for a while you know that after everything with my Dad, I gained a new perspective on life. I completed my meditation teacher training almost 2 years ago, and have been leading meditation in my local community. I teach people now how to find peace within themselves, and I’m developing a new program to help people use color, art, and words to cultivate joy.
The paper crafting industry has grown and evolved so much since I began Neat and Tangled almost 9 years ago! As I sit here and reflect back to what the landscape looked like when I first started it is amazing to see the transformation. It has blossomed, and flourished, and there are so many amazing companies putting out the most creative and innovative products. Truthfully, at this point, I don’t know that I have anything truly unique to offer that would be much different than what’s out there. And for me, it’s really important to feel like I’m being of service, and offering something meaningful that can really add value to your life (and craft room!).
What I will carry with me most of all after all these years, are not any of the products or cards I’ve crafted. It’s actually the relationships and time spent together. Friends I’ve made at other companies, design team members that became friends, and customers I’ve come to know and love online and in person. This last 9 years have been filled with a lot of smiles and love. I will be forever grateful for that.
I am so thankful that so many of you have pieces of Neat and Tangled in your homes. My heart swells when I think of how much love and kindness has been spread because of the work that has been done at Neat and Tangled. Not only all of the cards you’ve created and mailed out, but our coming together as a community to help others through things like our Happy Mail for Grayson card drive, and Crafting with Compassion Fundraising for The Burning Limb Foundation. So many lives have been touched and transformed because of you. So much love and kindness has been rippled out into the world.
It’s bittersweet. There is the sadness that comes when something so good comes to an end, and the excitement of the new.

There are still products left in the shop, and currently everything is marked 50% off. Use the code NEATANDTANGLED for an additional 20% off. The online shop will remain open until we clear out the inventory. I know many of you have been emailing and messaging about items that are not listed in the shop. If it’s not in the shop, it’s out of stock. You can always do a google search with the product name, as many of our online retailers may still have it in stock! Sometimes you can find older products on ebay or Etsy as well, but I will warn you that sadly there are many counterfeit versions of Neat and Tangled products out there on those sites. The safest bet is checking trusted craft supply retailers like Simon Says Stamp, Ellen Hutson, Seven Hills Crafts, Butterfly Reflections, etc.
Thank you for all of the love and memories,