A Little of This and That

Yesterday we were busy bees.  G and I went for a morning run/walk. Came home, had some snacks, cleaned up, took a nap.

We then proceeded to have lunch, and run some errands.  I dropped off some catalogs, and we popped by A.C. Moore (please forgive me!).  I had a 50% off coupon and needed a skein of yarn to finish one of my projects.  Hubs thinks I am crazy because I will go to the store everyday with one coupon and buy one item.  It does take time, but I always get things on the cheap. You think he'd be more appreciative!

We arrived home to a package on the steps. It was like Christmas! My order from Joanns.com finally came.  I ordered some yarn and other odds and ends.  Behold my treasures:

I know, I know, it's a lot of yarn. But look at how it shines in the sun!

The Home Shopping Network was all about scrap booking today. I managed to contain myself from purchasing anything despite the good deals. I never wanted a Cricket before, but boy those ladies had me seconds away from kissing $499 goodbye.  Thank God the Hubs came home. It's dangerous watching that channel when you're alone.

While playing inside G obtained his first real boo-boo.  He smashed his lip on his little basketball hoop.  Poor baby. As usual, I took it worse than him.
Hubs didn't believe it was as bad as I said, so I saved the evidence

When Hubs got home we had some dinner, and made a Babies R Us run.  I desperately needed to get some overnight diapers because I am really tired of washing his sheets every morning.  Let's hope they work!

I'm off to work on my next project, a wreath for the front door. Got to get a move on seeing as how Fall is officially days away.

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