I Relapsed

Well, I went to A.C. Moore today. I'm sure you can see where this is heading.  I ended up buying things for projects I am not working on, BUT they are for the projects that are on my list.  So, I figure it's not so bad. Plus I had some great coupons. Although I am disappointed that they did not have a particular paint I was looking for.  Michael's didn't have it either so looks like I might need to order online.

We also hit up Kohl's and got some great clothes for G for Fall/Winter. The have this cute brand called Jumping Beans and their items were on sale 2 for $10, plus I had an extra 15% off coupon.  I have become quite the savvy shopper. Sales and coupons are like drugs for me.

We had a very lovely weekend.  The weather was beautiful, just makes me ready for Fall even more.  I'm sad that it's back to the 90's again this week. Boo to that.  I gave G his first little haircut yesterday. It was more like a trim. I saved his hair, which the Hubs just couldn't understand. I'm not quite sure what I am going to do with it yet, I am playing around with a few ideas.

Baby hairs

When we got back and G went down for a nap I finished up a project. I made the mouse a few weeks ago, and wanted to try for a cat. This is what happened. There are all kinds of things wrong with it, mainly that it doesn't look very cat-like. I'll try again at some point. Maybe whiskers next time? I do like the mouse though.

Cat and Mouse

Yesterday G and I met up with an old friend of mine for a walk.  She just had a baby a few weeks ago.  We were the best of friends in grade school, pretty much inseparable. We went to the same high school, but went our own separate ways.  After high school I didn't talk to her at all, but we became friends on Facebook.  She went on to work in a lab doing important scientific stuff, and then joined the Peace Corp with her husband. I went on to get married, have a baby and become a stay at home mom.  I followed their blog of experiences in the Peace Corp, and was secretly a little bit jealous.  Here I was sitting at home with barely brushed hair and baby poop, while she was traveling to new places making a difference in people's lives.  Well, through their blog I found out she was expecting their first child, so I congratulated her via Facebook.  We ended up running into each other earlier this summer at Pathmark and exchanged numbers.  We never did get together, but I ran into her again a few weeks ago while I was out running.  The next day we met for breakfast.  I swear it felt like we just picked up like no time had passed.  I truly believe that some people are just meant to be in your life.  We have a date to go walking again tomorrow.

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