It's a bird, it's a....



Many of you guessed a bird as my work in progress, and to be honest at that point it could have gone in any direction.  Perhaps I will run with the bird idea for my next project.

In other news, I have been organizing my craft stuff for the move to my new room.  The basement passed the final inspection and now I can put everything in it! I got a few of these CD boxes as well as magazine holders for my stamp sets and cardstock.

 I still have yet to decide on a desk(s) for my room.  We are going to be making another trip to Ikea in the next week or so to pick up a few more items, so I will have to make a decision soon.


  1. Aw, it's a bunny! He's such a cutie! I wish I could crochet.

    Good luck deciding on the new desk! And have fun at Ikea!

  2. Really stinking cute! I'm in love with your bunny :)

  3. A bunny! So cute my teeth hurt! :-D

  4. I was thinking kitten. But it's a bunny! That is just too cute! I wish I had the patience to do that, lol.

  5. Oh, but it's such a CUTE bunny!


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